17 Be Happy

17 Be Happy

I've Got It!

It finally hit me last night. I was picking up ice cream for my kids at our “downtown” spot, and this little guy, not even 2 years old, walked by with the biggest smile while tugging on a red balloon. I’ve never seen a smile this big, and I doubt I ever will again. I commented to his father, who was only a step or two following behind him, that I hadn’t seen anyone look so happy in a very long time.

 His amused comment back, “Yes, he’s a happy little troublemaker.”

happy boy with balloons self stick reusable adhesive picture frame

I so wanted to snap a photo of this tiny little person that lit up the entire room as he merrily just strutted around watching the balloon go up and down at his will. All I know is that his name was Raj, and he made my night. I was close to asking his parents if I could take his picture, but what would I say?  This way, in the future I'll be able to say "I write a blog about photos that make people happy.  Your child is adorable, so can I take a quick photo?" We'll have to see how that goes . . . 

I still regret not taking a photo of Raj to share with you. That little guy helped me realize what I want to write about. You see, I’ve been told for years that my business needs a blog . . . “You need content, and lots of it,” is the phrase I’ve repeatedly been told. 

But what can I write about that people would want to read? Yes, I really do like the products I’ve created, and I think they can help make a difference for people. They can help you put up pictures of your family in your kitchen – that darned stainless steel refrigerator with the non-magnetic surface looks clean and great, but it doesn’t allow you to display what matters to you where you and others will see it most.

Our peel and stick letter-sized frames allow you to keep track of your schedule unlike anything else on the market. And the dry erase feature adds functionality that makes it ultra convenient to add in calendar events as they occur.

But there is only so much you can say about the adhesive frames. Now, photos of cute kids and pretty settings . . . I have a lot to say about beautiful images! And my goal with sharing such images would be to maybe brighten your day a bit as the images I came across brightened mine.

So that being said, I don’t have a photo of Raj. But I did my best to find a similar pic online just so that I have something to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. And if you happen to find photos or sayings that make you feel something as well, go ahead and post it up on the wall or your fridge with one of our frames. That’s where we can make a difference for you.

Have a happy day!

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Справка от ЛОРа. Справка от отоларинголога нужна во многих сферах. Пройти обследование у ЛОРа нужно при подаче заявки на определенные должности, для получения водительских прав и даже для абитуриентов определенных направлений. Спектр заболеваний, который охватывает данная направленность, огромен. Порой при обследовании выявляются болезни, требующие срочной госпитализации или же сдачи анализов.


Справка от зубного врача. В жизни встречается довольно много ситуаций, в которых Вам может понадобиться справка зубного в Москве. Самыми распространенными из них является предоставление справки от стоматолога беременной женщиной перед оформлением в родильное отделение. Без такой справки Вас могут отправить рожать в инфекционное отделение. Купить справку за один день. Иногда случаются такие ситуации, когда необходимо представить медицинскую справку в кратчайшие сроки. Причин этому может быть множество. Вы могли просто-напросто забыть о прохождении планового медосмотра, могли в это время болеть, и просто физически у Вас не получилось пройти всех врачей. Помимо этого, у Вас просто мог быть завал на работе и оставлять дела для того, чтобы шататься по поликлинике просто не нашлось возможности.



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